Posts tagged ‘Grandparents’

Minor Accomplishments and Major Milestones

Happy Fourth Everyone!  Hope you all had an enjoyable day.  We couldn’t have asked for better weather and the anticipated rain held off so everyone could see the fireworks.

I even managed to get a few crafts in the night before to help celebrate.  First up, my take on the patriotic rice display:

Ultimate Blogger Version:

My version (don’t laugh):

My daughter helped dye the rice and put this together, so if Emily’s happy with it, so am I.

Next, I put my culinary skills to the test to make some patriotic strawberries:

(mine)                                                                                             (theirs)


Lastly, I made some of these…

…and promptly forgot to take them out of the freezer and use them, but trust me, they came out EXACTLY the same.  Oh yes they did.

Good news, I found the cord to my digital camera that I needed to connect to my computer, yeah! (Naturally, I found it AFTER I purchased a new one – ugh.) So now I can post some more pics.

Major milestone in our house – we said goodbye to elementary school. My youngest is now a 6th grade middle schooler, my Lord, where did the time go.  My kids were fortunate enough to have had a great elementary school, the teachers, staff and fellow students were all fantastic.  I will truly miss it.  Even my eldest who will be a senior, went back to visit her old teachers.

Last day at the bus stop.  My son (on the right) and his buddy both dressed up for the occasion (both were also wearing sneakers which I cut out of the picture).

Hanging out with proud big sis:









My parents drove up from Long Island for the big day – so sweet of them.










Proud dad. 

So now my little man is off to middle school, he’s not a baby any more.  I knew that of course, but the march of time is really sinking in now.  I can only hope he’s does well in his new school and can handle the changes that are coming.  I’m sure he will.

July 5, 2012 at 8:55 am 1 comment


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